Friday, November 16, 2012
Dear Angie and Family,
The one regret that I have in life thus far is that i am so far away from the family and not having the ability to strenghten my family more in respecting and paying more attention to the living...friends ,family and those who have left us.
It is always very sad to see such a friendly,happy, meek and caring uncle leave us all.
You look at the 1990's and think to yourself that everything in the family is running smooth and everybody is well and then years later you see that everyone takes steps further in life and getting older
Getting older is not a choice but a reality.
Everyone moves closer to the inevitable, including me......and it sucks..
We both feel awful that we cannot make it up there to say goodbye as i'd have to leave right now.
Billy and Angie has always been there for me and my Mom and our family throughout the years. There was always ups and down........mostly with Billy and his tractor......... but those are the scars that follow us to the future.
I think I can still remember that Billy had this awesome Ford a turquoise and white with a retrackable hardtop...the best of the true classics.....
That's the way I gauge a person's life and say that if you keep a good looking car or classic car that's a good indicator how long you will live and indicates how you value the quality of your life through your car.
It's a bizzare way to look at yours and everyone's longevity in life ....but think about it. ..... It reflects everything that Billy was....a stickler for everything in detail...order and taking care of himself and his family.....which he was the best at.
We will both always regret not seeing Billy once more in life...that is my regret in life I must deal with....but i'm sure Billy is looking down at all us from time to time as he's puttering with his classic cars and keeping an eye on his beloved family.
This is always a sad reminder for all of us that we all march forward....whether we like it or not....we grieve.....we cry....we let some time pass and we should remember to go out smiling. and I'm sure Billy would feel the same way.
Angie...If you do read this Please send me ...through one of my brother's or the info. below...your address so i can send you something at your home at Walling Rd. ?
Again Our most sincere regrets and sympathy to your family.
We will miss you....Always,
Edward J. Bolzan
Donna M. Macy
The Landing @
700 Shore Drive,Unit 909,
Fall River, Ma. 02721
Phone: 516-849-8247
E Mail: