Thursday, September 23, 2021
George Laurence was a legend!
It didn't matter whether he sold crystal, antiques to modern furnature, dishware, pottery, dolls, statues, old magazines or gallery paintings, he was a businessman with charm.
Warwick was his family and we were his!
If every man could just love and be a friend like George, then he/she would sell more and have people coming back again.
He was good at schmoozing. Everybody loved him as he served warm apple cider, chocolate kisses and biscotti, promoted the bands/ music concerts to family/friends gatherings, had a warm personality and even shoppers brought appetizers and pies for some evenings just to hang out.
Strays off the street would browse the shop and mingle with the arsty people. High end shoppers, the famous celebrities visited and spent thousands because of the unique culture he brought.
He was a friend to all.
George used my painting as a Christmas card. I gave him the original painting. He was open to all cultures and religions and he loved that I put a Santa hat on him, even though he was Jewish .
My painting : 'May You Find the Spirit of the Season Within' is attached here to share with all in memory of George.
He is one of the greatest men in Warwick who brought love, business, the arts and culture to the most elite spot of the Hudson Valley.
George had me stage his store as a decorator . I did his front window and inside
too decorating Thanksgiving table with antique china, pottery, lace and a center piece that sprawled w ancient ornaments and authentic lights.
His business was caring for and loving all people. If they were passionate about something, he listened and struck up a conversation we all cherish today. His presence was invaluable and I am gratelful to have walked this life knowing George Laurence.
You really were a movie star, a tremendous asset to our community. The quality of your life was priceless. There were no discounts, chips or dents. Pure beauty.
God bless you, Lisa Kevins